Private Personal Submarine Expeditions, Underwater ROVS, Sea Mapping, Submarines for Superyachts

About SubMerge

Who Are We?


At SubMerge, we are those adventurous souls.

SubMerge stands at the forefront of private leisure submersible expeditions. With an unwavering commitment to safety, professionalism, and delivering unforgettable experiences, SubMerge offers a comprehensive suite of services tailored to the unique needs of discerning clients. With over two decades of expertise in the personal submersible tourism industry, SubMerge has earned a stellar reputation as a trusted partner in submersible adventures, underwater technology, and exploration.

With a deep understanding of the allure and fascination of underwater exploration, SubMerge’s team of experts excels in planning and managing exceptional submersible expeditions. The SubMerge team’s commitment to safety, professionalism, and delivering unforgettable experiences ensures clients have the adventure of a lifetime.

One of SubMerge’s core areas of specialization lies in submersible rescue procedures. Their extensive knowledge and experience enable them to design and implement robust protocols that prioritize the safety and well-being of clients during underwater expeditions. With meticulous planning, advanced equipment, and highly trained professionals, SubMerge ensures peace of mind and a secure environment for all submersible adventures.

At SubMerge, a specialized Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Engineer leads the team in providing custom-fitted ROV solutions for superyachts. They understand each superyacht’s unique challenges and offer meticulously designed and built ROVs. These custom-fitted ROVs are equipped with cutting-edge technology to ensure optimal performance and successful outcomes.

Skilled pilots and operators work closely with clients as part of every expedition, leveraging their expertise to navigate challenging underwater environments and execute precise rescue operations. This integrated approach guarantees a seamless experience and underscores SubMerge’s dedication to providing the highest service and support.

In addition to their expertise in submersible rescue, SubMerge is proud to offer comprehensive ocean floor mapping services. Utilizing state-of-the-art technology, SubMerge creates accurate 3D maps of the ocean floor. This valuable information contributes to scientific research and conservation efforts and enhances our understanding of the underwater world.

Our approach is hands-on, ensuring a seamless and efficient experience every step of the way.

Submerge - Cocos Island Underwater

We’ve spent a huge amount of time in the field

We are explorers and innovators, divers, pilots, mappers and oceanographers. We’ve spent a huge amount of time in the field, built, customised and operated submersibles and ROVs, designed and planned expeditions, made one-of-kind discoveries and been part of ground-breaking expeditions.

Submerge - Underwater

We make the unexplorable explorable

From planning and logistics to compression and gas mixture, our team has the knowledge, skills and technology to make the unexplorable explorable, to push the limits, to achieve what was once considered impossible.

Submerge - Exploring the Unexplorable

The time has come to conquer the depths

We are the people who can make it happen.

Submerge Underwater Adventures

Meet the Team

Our Services

At SubMerge, our expertise lies in underwater technology and exploration, bringing unique, hands-on solutions designed to enhance your yachting experience. To do this we need to stay at the very forefront of advancements in the field, keeping our skills, knowledge and tech sharp, cutting edge and innovative – we spend our time pushing the limits so our clients can enjoy the adventure.

One of the many aspects of the services we offer for private vessels is a comprehensive rescue solution. Focussing on the safety of passengers and crew, we provide well-trained crew and advanced ROV technology to handle situations quickly and efficiently.

This video demonstrates just that. This recent training exercise using our ROV, is a simulation of the rescue of a submersible in distress. Manoeuvring the ROV to approach the submersible, the team inspect it for damage and identify the best approach to rescue it. They then attach a line to the submersible to guide it to safety. We provide similar controlled training sessions for vessel crews, to ensure they can also effectively respond to emergencies.

We are redefining safety standards in the superyacht industry, so for your peace of mind in preparation for such scenarios, we offer:

  • Custom fitted ROVs designed and built for the specific purpose of rescuing a distressed submersible on the ocean floor.
  • A custom designed on deck rescue solution.
  • Real life simulations to train yacht crews.
  • A detailed standard operating procedure manual to fit your yacht’s and submersible’s requirements.

We spend our time pushing the limits so our clients can enjoy the adventure.

A submersible is not like a luxury roadster you can simply drive off the lot. Chartering, owning and operating a manned submersible is a complex operation; having an experienced guide to lead you through the vast array of decision points will help to simplify and streamline, allowing you to relax and enjoy the process. Our consulting service will take you from pre-purchase through to daily operations management and shipboard integration.

Submerge Services - Submersibles

There is an ever-increasing demand for submersibles as a revolutionary way to upgrade the yachting experience, something that has allowed for the faster development of innovative technologies. We have our finger on the pulse of the market and keep fully up to date with technology trends and advancement. If you are looking to invest in a submersible for a private leisure or a professional vessel, we can guide you through every step, from ideation to integration.

Submerge Services - Yachts

High quality sea floor maps are essential in the process of planning an expedition for both safe navigation and the achievement of expedition objectives. We are able to acquire and utilize any available data to assemble a 3d model of the seafloor and, where no data is available, collect the data on the topography of the area ourselves.

Photo credit: Enrique Alvarez

Submerge Services - Underwater Mapping

In recent years, ROVs have given us access to areas of the ocean that have long been inaccessible. With an experienced ROV operator on the team, we can use this technology in a variety of pioneering ways, from use for science and research, sample and artifact collection and seabed mapping, to use as a support or rescue vehicle for submersibles and to capture photos and video footage.

Submerge Services - Underwater Robotics

Incredible advancements in underwater technology in recent years have made reaching the depths more possible than ever for scientists, conservationists and explorers alike. That said, it is still a highly complex operation with meticulous design and planning essential for both a safe and successful expedition. We’ll deal with everything – location scouting, mapping, logistics, support, maintenance and checks – to make sure your expedition is of the highest safety standards and has the best chance of being a complete success.

Submerge Services - Expedition Planning

Our team has a number of skilled underwater photographers and videographers, has experiences of using ROVs for both, and has been involved in filming activities for both scientific studies and high-profile names such as National Geographic and the BBC. We can plan for multiple uses and peripheral gear flexibility and understand the logistics and resources needed to capture the perfect shots and footage.

Submerge Services - Photography

Contact Us

Feel free to drop us a line by filling and sending the bellow contact form.

    Member of the Superyacht Training Group